
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Jochebed the mother of Moses
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Tuesday May 14, 2019
We may think it is very difficult to raise our kids to love God in such a hostile culture, but when we consider the circumstances of Jochebed and how she was able to influence Moses even though he was taught in all the ways of Egypt, we realize we may not have it so tough. Jochebed was able to raise a prince in the midst of a hostile environment.

Monday May 06, 2019
GJ 022 Get into the boat.
Monday May 06, 2019
Monday May 06, 2019
The disciples wanted to go to the palace, but Jesus wanted them to get into the boat, because it is in the storm that we learn who Jesus is.

Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
GJ 021 Who is your supplier?
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
John 6 Jesus multiplies the bread and feeds the multitudes. He teaches his disciples five lessons about how they can do the work of supplying those in need with the bread of life.

Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
GJ 020 Do you believe?
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
The problem with the religious leaders was not that they did not believe but that they did not want to believe. They did not want to believe because they were more concerned about honor that comes form people and not from God.

Friday Apr 19, 2019
GJ 018 Jesus explains Jesus
Friday Apr 19, 2019
Friday Apr 19, 2019
There are those who claim that Jesus never claimed to be God. But in John chapter 5 he clearly explains to the religious leaders that he is in fact God.

Friday Apr 19, 2019
GJ 019 Do you hear the voice of God?
Friday Apr 19, 2019
Friday Apr 19, 2019
The voice of Jesus has the power to give life. But why don't we hear the voice of God? The missing element is faith.